Here you may access project collateral, reports, maps, and videos as they become available.
Implementation Updates
The final detailed route maps and schedules were approved with minor changes by the KTA Board at their meeting on April 25, 2024.
This new network of routes will replace the current KAT network beginning August 26, 2024.
Draft Network Report. A draft plan for the new network showing how it compares to the existing network - January 2023
Transit Choices & Concepts Report. Two contrasting network concepts for what a redesigned network could look like - March 2022
Transit Choices & Concepts Survey Results. Summary of survey asking about key transit choices and the two network concepts - July 2022
Reports from TransitCenter
Who's on Board 2019. How to win back America’s transit riders - February 2019
Inclusive Transit. Advancing equity through improved access & opportunity - July 2018
The Path to Partnership. How cities and transit systems can stop worrying and join forces - May 2018
Untangling Transit. Bus Network Redesign Workshop Proceedings - New York City - July 2017
Briefs from TransitCenter
Frequency + Transit. How do you make transit more useful for everyone? - June 2018
Bus Network Redesigns. Why embark upon a bus network redesign? - July 2017
Transit Ridership Recipe. Key ingredients to transit ridership - May 2017
Maps and Graphics
See here for maps of the Draft Network.
Maps of Residential Density, Job Density, Poverty Density, and other market and need factors for transit in Knoxville.